Hello Dear Friends,
We are excited about what God is going to do in 2011 and our growing to be more like Christ - Whose majesty, power & name is above all names in this age and in the one to come. How we need and want to trust Him totally! |
Thyroid: Now, all the challenges in Mozambique seem to have thrown my (Daniel) thyroid off kelter and I'm seeing a doctor soon after blood results are in. Thyroid problems seem to run in my family. Melissa also needs a similar checkup. We are praying to be in good health by our return to Africa in June.
D.A.R.: We praise God that all the funds have come in that we needed for Melissa and I, Elijah and Esther to attend the 'Debriefing and Renewal' week for cross-cultural workers February 27th - March 4th in Colorado. Thank you for your generosity!
Good News! Esther will be returning with us to Mozambique! |
Makua Freedom: You may remember that the last time we asked for prayer for the evangelist, Antonio. As he is planting churches based on storytelling a gospel of grace, the legalistic side of the denomination is very uneasy. The discussions at their monthly city-wide church conference brought peace for a time. He continues to ask for prayer about how to resolve this tension long term. Another factor is that that most of the churches in the denomination are part of a different culture and dialect, Lomwe, who only try to reach their own, while Antonio and others desire to see truly Makua churches who can experience the freedom they have in Christ.
Visiting You: We've had fun and been very blessed to have time with those at Milford Christian Church (pictured here) and others. We'd love to come see you and present the vision God is giving us for our return. So, we need to schedule a time to get with you all at: O'Fallon, Stockton, St. James, Northside in Warrensburg, & Mulvane (KS). The rest are scheduled. The dates we have open are: February 6th, 20th; March 27th thru May 15th. Can you please let us know within 2 weeks what would be a good date for you? You can e-mail or call 913-240-0433. Can't wait!
Vision: As you know, we've worked with several evangelists and rural churches planted, gaining needed experience. On our return, we are asking the Father's blessing to train a core group of evangelists (with additional involvement & help for their wives) in leading a team to see a village: Break Free from Spiritual Destitution to New Birth in Christ: * Storytelling the gospel from creation to Christ to plant Makua churches * Taking their 1st steps to growing in Christ and as a body of believers Break Free from Demonic Oppression of the Family to Oneness * Discovering God's beautiful design for marriage and family relationships. Break Free from Poverty to God's Abundance * By Farming with the best principles and methods God has given us. (http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah%2028:23-29&version=NIV esp. vs 26 & 29) See a recent documentary: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/2010/11/preview-mozambiques-growth-not-benefitting-poorest.html |
2011 - Give toward Spreading the Good News! In light of this, there are several key opportunities to give toward fulfilling this vision: $ 850 1 Pico-Projector w/extra battery... to show God's Story movies $1000 10 NTM laminated Bible story picture sets. $ 400 10 Portuguese NTM Firm Foundations books $ 350 2 sets of leather drums for evangelistic teams $ 300 Garden seeds subsidy for rural development $ 600 Point One Filters ($60/ea) http://www.givecleanwater.org $ 500 Subsidy for Bibles at 1/2 price $ 300 1 Video Cam - for church trainings |
Cost of Living and Ministering in Mozambique, Africa - The mission has a crucial need for $2500 by June to cover the cost of visa's which went up to $1000 per person, per year.
- Along with this there are some budgetary needs to address. To see all this, click here. Our desire is to lay all this before you now for prayerful consideration, so we can focus on other things throughout the year.
What incredible opportunities we have to share in Mozambique! Could you and your church prayerfully consider funding one or more of these? |
We thank God for your faithfulness in giving. We are confident the Lord will abundantly provide for everything, for even the birds outside our window are being fed by our awesome God. |
Grace and peace to all those who love our Lord with an undying love, Daniel and Melissa Maddux http://www.beatoday.org/ 913-240-0433 |
Contributions may be sent to: Brazilian Evangelism Association c/o Tom and Linda Ledford 31625 Summit Ridge Dr. Crystal Lakes, MO 64024 Phone: 816-630-0918 E-mail: mailto:thomasledford@sbcglobal.net |
P.S. You may remember that our e-mail was hacked into in May, while in Mozambique. We recently discovered that the hacker changed the "Reply To" address so we were not able to receive any of your replies since the summer time. It has now been fixed. We apologize for this inconvenience. We feel badly for not receiving any letters you may have sent us in response to a newsletter during that time. Please feel free to respond now to either mailto: hearttransform@yahoo.com or mailto:mission@beatoday.org. We love hearing from you. |