Wednesday, January 30, 2008

C O U N T Y O U R B L E S S I N G S !

Singing this rich hymn and many others recently has been really been effective medicine for our spirits. Esther noted that this past week was our half-way mark for our stay here in Brazil - she’s actually counting the days. We’ve been feeling the culture-shock and homesickness most acutely these past couple weeks. What joy to focus on these musical messages for our souls…

  • O To Be Like Thee!
  • Hallelujah, What A Savior!
  • Sound the Battle Cry
  • One Day!

Daily Life Here: Your prayers are tremendously appreciated. Our time here would not be the blessing it is without you interceding for us. We did not move from the apartment here as we thought we would. Instead, God is teaching us much about contentment in this setting. Some of the aspects of life we are beginning to get used to include:

  • doing our laundry by hand (wringing is the hardest part, but getting them to dry during the rainy season has proven to be a bit tricky!) - see 1st video below.
  • living out of our suitcases (there are no dressers or closets to use here)
  • no water heater (i.e. cold showers and heating water from the bathroom sink—there is no kitchen sink-- on the stove to wash dishes and clothes)
  • having ants everywhere! (so the sugar is in the frig)
  • taking a bus or walking to get around town
  • taking our umbrella with us each time we go out
  • sleeping with mosquito nets over our beds
  • crying out to our loving Jesus for comfort when our hearts ache from missing Chloe and Hannah and our other family and friends in the U.S.
  • thanking!! God for the receptive hearts and attitudes Elijah & Esther have had about being a part of our lives as missionaries and thanking God for our afternoon of relaxation at the Amazon River beach (see 2nd video below).

Temptations for Men: A few weeks ago we realized Elijah was acting unusually stir-crazy and needing to get out of our apartment more. Several times when we were heading out for groceries or running errands he did not want to go with us. Elijah, whose name means ‘Jehovah is God’ said “Brazil is not a place for boys or men. You can’t hardly look anywhere without seeing women or pictures of them immorally dressed.” We praise God for Elijah’s desire to be pure and choosing to not expose himself to unnecessary temptation.

True Love: Have you heard a really good love story lately? Now then, Daniel and Esther were participants in the wedding of one such couple this month. Daniel had the privilege of giving his 29 year old sister, Angela, in marriage to the Brazilian, Davi Marcos Siqueira, 31 years old.

A wealthy Christian friend of the groom’s family offered to host the wedding ceremony and festivities at his countryside estate. His generosity seemed too much to believe. “Absolutely!”, he said, “I would certainly do this and more for two virgins.” God’s power has been shown in Davi’s and Angela’s lives as they have both grown up in this very adulterous Brazilian culture.

Blessing the Little Ones: While visiting São Paulo for the wedding, we were able to meet with a brother in Christ, Dirceu, who has a church and ministry among one of the poorest slums in Brazil. He was only allowed into the neighborhood because the drug-lord of the area gave him permission to start helping the neglected children of prostitutes and poor families. This same drug lord hires hit-men to protect his territory from policemen. God has given Dirceu favor in the enemy’s territory. As he passed the street corners where the hit-men were posted, they asked him to pray for them. As he did, they lowered their weapons, took off their hats, and many times God softened their hearts to tears. Five of these men so far have left that job for an honest wage with Dirceu’s help. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor…” (Luke 4:18)

The Father’s Financial Provision: We’re grateful that the Father has already provided 85% of our minimum budgeted goal and all the regular setup costs! Our Faithful God will certainly provide, as He wills,for the remaining $20,000 for a vehicle and for the rest of the monthly needs. Our estimated time of departure for Mozambique is no later than April 24th.

Birthday: 450 – 405 = Melissa’s age. Yep, she turned 45 this month. Thank you so much to all of you who sent cards and e-mails that brought great delight to her middle-aged heart!!! We enjoyed sharing a box of Brazilian chocolates after breakfast as part of our celebration.

Language Study: We wish you all could meet our Brazilian jewel, Joelsila, who comes to teach us Portuguese three times a week. She makes learning a lot of fun and begins each lesson with Melissa, Elijah, and Esther with prayer. (Believe me, we need it!) Joelsila expressed excitement about Melissa’s progress because she’s not afraid to practice and make mistakes.

Translation: I (Daniel) am so encouraged that God is providing beyond what I imagined. Even though it was more difficult than I expected to get back into Portuguese, God is helping me translate the 200+ pages of video text, handbooks, and charts for the “Communication Bridges to Oral Cultures”. This is from the training I received from the group I met at the National Missionary Convention. I am especially grateful for our Portuguese teacher who is correcting the translation. This material will greatly aid in training grassroots story-tellers to take God’s story to their non-literate Makua communities. Please pray with us for God to continue to raise up laborers for the harvest! (Luke 10:1-2; Mt 9:36-37)

Abraços (Portuguese for ‘Hugs’),

Daniel, Melissa, Elijah and Esther Maddux