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God is giving us a vision that every story-teller will also train communities how to Farm God’s Way. The mission property has at least 2 ½ acres to farm. Corn yields per acre for the average farmer are 400 lbs or less! (8-9 bushels) Learning how to do everything God’s way: With Excellence, On Time, Without Waste, and with Joy, is bringing yields in Africa up to 5,000 lbs (105 bushels) per acre within just a few years! This year they will plant corn, beans, peanuts, & veggies here.
The goal is that this will be a training center and an example of many possibilities, and done by the Makua themselves!

Superstition is powerful and often leads people to the witchdoctor for a solution. The father of our worker Antonio, told him as a boy that if he EVER saw a beautiful white-stripped rare snake, to know that soon a very bad thing would happen, likely even death! Last week as he walked home, he saw this type of snake for the second time in his life! Now knowing Jesus, he took his machete and said, “In the Name of Jesus, I kill you!” Here are the snake’s remains.
“Did Noah deserve to be saved by God?”, we asked during our Bible storying. They answered, “Yes!” Wow! Turning to my fellow teacher, I said, “Even after all the beginning stories, do you see why it is so important to ask this again?” Works salvation is running through their bloodstream. The stories continue and God is working in their hearts.
We have the dialogue questions for 16 stories in Portuguese and have now begun translation into Makua. Yahoo!!! Our goal is to complete 30 stories by January when we hope to begin training more story-tellers.
Yesterday we went out of town to buy grass to protect the soil from the sun. Those who sold us the grass stalks, begged the Story Teller to come teach them the Bible. He’s praying about the timing. The fields are ripe for HARVEST. Pray for many faithful laborers.
If you desire to designate additional funds to a certain area, here are some possibilities:
- Farm Well at Training Center - Already Rec`d $3000 of $5000 - Thanks!
- Laminated Bible Story Pictures - Large - $125/set; Small - $50/set
- Makua Bibles - $10 each
- Makua Audio New Testament Players - $50 each
God bless you!
Daniel, Melissa & Esther