Friday, December 3, 2010

Hello Dear Friends,

Merry Christmas!  Christmas music via radio is fantastic!  We missed it in Mozambique.  We're looking forward to our first sledding event too, once we get our first big storm.  We're looking forward to spending this season with our kids, with 2006 being our last Christmas together here.  

As we're already planning for our return to Mozambique mid 2011, we have a specific need that we'd like you to pray about with us.  Mission Training International is hosting a week-long 'Debriefing and Renewal' time for cross-cultural workers that we'd like to participate in.  Read more about it at:  We believe this will greatly benefit our continuing ministry in Mozambique, as we've faced significant cross-cultural hurdles.  One aspect of that is that Mozambique ranks 5th from the bottom of all 169 countries on the 'Human Development Index' - The debriefing and renewal is scheduled for the week of February 27th - March 4th near Colorado Springs, CO.  If you are considering giving a Christmas gift, this is how we'd like to use it.  

Also, please pray now for Antonio, the lead evangelist in Nampula.  Within the 8 or so churches of Christ in Nampula, one fellow is doing everything to be the boss.  He doesn't like the fact that Antonio is freely spreading the gospel of grace and planting rural churches not coming under his umbrella.  He has ordered Antonio to stop this work and to pastor the church Antonio is a part of in the city.  Antonio has explained that God has gifted him and called him to this work, but his answer is unacceptable to the leader, so they asked him to defend his case before at the upcoming monthly Sunday conference of the all the city churches. Please pray that God would give Antonio peace in his heart and courage to speak the truth in love.

For some time I've felt a great need to connect with other men for mutual prayer and personal encouragement.  Last night, the Lord worked it out to get together with Greg Sarenson from our home church, and Dave Coleman & John McKnight from Wallula Christian Church near us.  What a wonderful gift to be able to open up, share, and feel close to fellow warriors of Christ.  How are you?  Are you, by the grace of God, striving to be a light in this dark world?  Certainly, and you're a target for the enemy.  Who might God bless you to connect with today?

We're so thankful for you and your prayers!

May God bless you,
Daniel and Melissa & Esther Maddux

Friday, October 29, 2010

We are now rushing up to Des Moines, Iowa, to be with family, as Melissa brother, Kem, just passed on this morning.

The rest of this was written a few days ago.

Thank you for praying for us in our time of setting up in our Leavenworth home.  We are close to the end of major repairs and are so grateful  for those who came to help in various ways.   

What a treat to see the beautiful changing of the seasons while we are traveling to visit supporting churches.
People have asked us what it is like being back in the U.S. again.  There are so many contrasts to the  American and Mozambican culture that it is difficult to give a simple answer.  One aspect  that is so shockingly different is the easily accessible books and “knowledge”  resources here, including our public library system, Christrian radio and book stores...

The Makua however have been struggling to educate their rural populations since their civil war ended in 1992. Most of students do not have access to a library and computer resources are few.   Their lack of knowledge leaves them vulnerable to superstition.

Please pray that the knowledge of God would spread all over  northern  Mozambique through the Bible materials Daniel and others are preparing and teaching.

We pray that the church in the U.S. would boldly speak the Truth of the Gospel while there is still time to do so.

Daniel (913-240-0433)  & Melissa (913-240-0448)

Friday, September 3, 2010

Hello Dear Friends,

Our missionary colleague, Don Hulsey, in the capital of Mozambique, just sent us this urgent request for prayer for the country.  Also, catch other important news of ours at the end.

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Don F. Hulsey
Sent: Fri, September 3, 2010 1:29:28 AM
Subject: Riots in Mozambique

Urgent Prayer Request:  Please pray for peace in Mozambique.  By now
perhaps you have heard through CNN or another news agency that
Mozambique has had two days of protests against the rising cost of
living (bread, water, electricity, fuel, and basic food staples) that
turned violent and left more than a dozen dead and hundreds arrested
and injured, mass looting, burned vehicles, and general unrest.
Although the government called for peace and an end to the violence,
the words were not received well by the people as they heard no plan
of action to alleviate the current situation.  Instead the government
has said that the price increases are irreversible.

We had heard rumors of potential protests Wednesday but were assured by
our embassy that the planned protests were postponed until next week.
So Wednesday I drove Aleta and Zac to school in Maputo city and it was
obvious from the lack of vehicles on the road that tension was in the
air and the public transport vehicles were for the most part staying
off the road.  We began to hear of rioting in the outlying areas of
town and police shooting at protestors and decided to leave
immediately for home.  As we drove home we did encounter two locations
where tires were being positioned in the roads to block traffic which
is then followed by rocks being thrown by any vehicles attempting to
continue forward.  We also met a huge crowd of youth who were blocking
the road and forcing a public transport bus to back up.  Fortunately
this blockade was coming at the place where we turned off the main
road to head home.  Throughout the night we continued to hear gunfire
and shouting around our neighborhood which is located 10 miles outside
the capital city of Maputo.

We are safe.  We have armed guards at our property.  The gates are
locked and although more protests expected throughout the weekend,
currently we do not hear anything outside.  We thank you for your
prayers and partnership in ministry.  Mozambicans are loving and
generous people but as is true anywhere, there are opportunists who
will take advantage of unrest and use it as an excuse to rob and
commit acts of violence.  The poverty is very real here and people are
barely surviving.  The rising costs of basic essentials has led some
to acts of desperation, including rioting and stealing.

Together in Christ, Don

Daniel & Melissa continue...

We are SO grateful for God's provision for us these last three years.   Our fellow colleagues in Mozambique recently informed us that the government is increasing the yearly visa renewal charge from $100 to $1000 per person.  This increase as well as others is certainly affecting the missionaries in Mozambique and will be an additional cost we need to begin saving for.  This exemplifies one of the reasons that we need to continue with God's truth in Mozambique - to break the spirit of dependency and poverty with the message of the abundance we have in Christ.  Also, the foundations for farming is a practical way that they can see God's blessing on those who trust Him and take responsibility to put His ways into practice.

Love you all,
Daniel & Melissa and Esther Madux
913-240-0433 - Daniel
913-240-0448 - Melissa

Friday, August 6, 2010

Hello Family...  This is the latest newsletter we sent out to friends and supporters

We're back!  We SURPRISED many with our early arrival for a family reunion.  How wonderful it is to see family again and to hug and play with our granddaughter!

Now for another SURPRISE...  After all the moving and fixing we did to transition to Mozambique and then much more in the country, we didn't realize how unsettling it would be to get back and not have a "home" to settle into.  Not wanting to repeat that, along with house setup each time we return from Mozambique, we looked at over 30 homes in the Leavenworth, KS area where Daniel, Hannah, & Adonia live.  God blessed us to find a house and to have the bid accepted!  Originally listed at $59,900, we bid 50,000 and the next day the price dropped to 49,900.  We left the bid as is to eliminate competition.  The address is:
   1003 N 8th St, Leavenworth, KS 66048:
   This is the NW corner lot at Pawnee and N 8th St.:  Show on Google Maps   
   See house pics if they're still showing from the agent:  
We'll soon be looking on Craig's List for a myriad of things like furniture and appliances.
Pray that find good deals so as to minimize move-in expenses and that the upcoming inspection and appraisal will yield good results and allow us to move in.

While we'll be attending our home church, Hope Family Fellowship, we're excited that one of our main supporting churches is here near Leavenworth too - Wallula Christian Church.  Wow!  And we're very blessed for their VBS with matching funds to have raised $4700 to bring safe & clean water to Mozambicans.

If you would like to schedule a time for us to update you on the work in Mozambique, please request a date available in October on out.  This is what we have so far:
  October 10th - Milford
                24th - Crocker
  November 7th - Northland CC in KC, MO
  January   9th - Forum

* We're back and with family again. 
* It appears god is blessing us with a house. 
* For all our wonderful supporters and our home church!
Prayer for God's blessing:
* On our time with family 
* On our time discussing and writing the training resources for church planters and pastors in Mozambique.

God bless you,
Daniel and Melissa & Esther Maddux
913-240-0433 - Daniel mobile
913-240-0448 - Melissa mobile

Friday, July 2, 2010

A few days ago we were abruptly awakened around four a.m. with the bellowing call from loud speakers for prayeres to Allah.  Melissa and I were both moved to pray silently for the "lost sheep" in our neighborhood who hear these calls as well.  And we marveled at GOD.  Even this attempt the enemy made to spew his lies, produced glory to GOD through our prayeres.  Beyond that, we know WHO wins.  What a debt of gratitude we owe HIM!

Thank you again and again for your prayers and the Father's work here.  We had an exciting and safe trip to the bush over the weekend along with  the evangelist Antonio and his wife, Rabia, and Gito, a pastor & translator.  How we wish each of you could have been there to see their excitement of GOD's Story and witness an early morning baptism of new believers.  The good news is that you'll be able to hear a few of their testimonies for yourself when we visit you there soon, GOD willing.

Please pray for our safe passage back to K.C.  And if you're wondering about what excitement awaits us, click on the following link:

Daniel & Melissa & Esther

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Yippee Caiyeah!       (Makua cowboy language for, "I'm really excited") and photos at:

Dear brothers and sisters,

A FIBER CUT in the Indian Ocean affected ALL of northern Mozambique for over TWO WEEKS!  It put us out of internet usage, phone usage, and even ATM usage for international withdrawals for most of that time!  Yesterday, for the first time in over a month, we had almost normal internet speed!

"The head of corn is full!"  The farmers on the property who put God's farming wisdom into practice, harvested this month.  They exclaimed that the corn is much better than most farmers around them.   Praise God with us!

Elijah Graduated from High School May 15th!  We missed being there with him.  Thank you for remembering to pray for us while we are apart from our children during these special times of their life.  God gives us the grace to pass through it but it is still difficult.  Someone has said that our will is surrendered to God through our tears and that "God doesn't waste pain", so we wholeheartedly give ourselves to this incomprehensible LOVING God.  He is GOOD!

Gito, who spends two afternoons a week here on  our porch translating from Portuguese to Makua the materials Daniel is working on, recently told us,
      "When I am reading through the Bible stories, questions & application while translating, my thoughts and my heart are changing.  I've wondered, 'What am I going to preach about?  then I go back to what I'm learning here and share that.  My sermons are awesome!  I can see it in people's eyes.  These are not just stories to us.  They are life."      
     "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness". (Mt. 5:6)

We Rejoice that:
* We've had encouraging marriage instruction through two seminars from missionaries here in Africa.  We'll be celebrating our 25 years of our covenant relationship on July 20th.  God is Faithful!
* The temps have dropped to "normal" and 82 feels a bit chilly to us.  Yeah!
* I have begun discussing working with our wonderful brother from Brazil, Luis, who is training rural pastors.
* The "Foundations for Farming" training manual final revisions are being completed in Makua!

Things to pray about:
* Completion of training resources covering:
      - the rest of Bible story dialogue questions
      - Gospel presentation/summary
      - First steps with Christ
      - Marriage and Family
      - Youth preparations for adulthood
      - Leadership & Church Life
* Direction and opening of doors to train evangelist/pastor/farmers.

"May the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the steadfastness of Christ."  
2 Thes 3:5
Daniel & Melissa & Esther

Friday, March 19, 2010

We enjoyed, here on our farm, our 1st HARVEST PARTY in celebration to the Lord, and ate some yummy first fruits.

Hi Special Friends and Family,

Wow! Thank you for praying for my health. God blessed every word of encouragement you gave us via e-mail as Melissa read them for me. Melissa awesomely served. After 10 days of fever and vomiting, now on the 11th day I am finally fever free! A little weak, but doing great! God used this as a time of laying my sins before Him and being renewed. CD's like Fernando Ortega, and some church hymns (given to us by our friend Lane Scott), and a few others were wonderful in transporting me to see the glories of Jesus... our sweet Savior and King.

We're also very grateful for the new Monopoly card game we got to play, given by Stephen, Lissa, and Kaleigh Ryan in Sedalia. What a fun game!

We're also so grateful that God continually goes before us to provide for our ministry needs, as at one time or another each of you has been God-led to send a large gift. Wallula Christian Church gave a Love gift of $1000! This will go to two places. One to pay for a MUCH NEEDED motorcycle so an evangelist can not arrive late or miss trips out of town because of the regular public transportation (vans, trucks) not showing up. The churches being planted will now receive consistent visits and teaching. Praise God with us for this BIG change. The rest will go toward helping us fly back to the U.S.. Yes!

And you might wonder who we're missing? If you have a chance, check out our hyper granddaughter talking on the phone to her Dad at work.

Our Mom (Pat) just left Mozambique to Brazil to be with her daughter Angela. Angela will be going into surgery (biopsy) for some small lumps on her breast and remove something from her c-section scar area. Then mid-summer she hopes to go on furlough & accompany Davi (Brazilian husband), Angela, and Gracielle, as they move to the U.S..

We have the great privilege of attending our 1st yearly missionary conference of Good News for Africa and will be gone the 1st two weeks of April. What a refreshment that is certain to be!

So, we plan to be in touch with we you again at the end of April.

Until then, God bless you all!
Daniel & Melissa and Esther

Saturday, February 27, 2010

God's mercies are new every morning, so we certainly have good things to report here from Mozambique. First of all, thank you so much for praying for us.

Furlough or "Home Assignment" - Schedule your church: Lord willing, we'll be in the U.S. from mid September (2010) to mid June (2011). CAN'T WAIT! We are available to speak at your church Sunday morning or evening, October 3 - November 7 and January 9 - May 8. Crocker Christian Church has already scheduled October 24th.

Ozark's Maddux Get-away: It will have been almost 3 years since we left for Brazil and so are wanting a retreat with our kids. If you are aware of a place of lodging for the weekend of September 24th - 27th, that would be available to us for a minimal cost, please let us know. Thanks!

Crops - God blessed Antonio and Agusto to have their corn and peanut crops planted in the back fields on time during December and January. We've had sufficient rains, and by them following 'Farming God's Way' composting and planting principles, it's looking green, Green, GREEN back there. God's wisdom is truly marvelous! Isaiah 28:23-29

The trainer's flip chart for farming is 99% completed in Portuguese and English! It's also now being translated into Makua.

As I continue to dialogue with Antonio, the Evangelist, he's very excited about this message of grace. He told me, "When I'm out there teaching, now I make sure they hear this clearly so they don't remain in dead religious works."

A very unusual situation occurred, only by God's Spirit, when a church leader came under great conviction of sin and stepped out of his role. This culture highly values position and recognition. No one else in the church could understand why he would give that up. God showed me what needed to be exposed and the scriptures to bring healing. In the end it became clear to himself and others that he is not biblically qualified at this time for leadership and needs to focus on caring for and discipling his family.

We have been quite healthy during this flu and malaria season!

Please pray that God would give me an undistracted environment in which to finish a Gospel & Growth presentation that targets many areas of deception among the Makua.

Daniel, Melissa, & Esther Maddux - Nampula, Mozambique, Africa

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Can you imagine stepping out of your church into the church at Corinth before Paul wrote his letters...???

We're in a culture that has had...
Domination, Abuse, Slavery, Killing, Hate by the Portuguese
Civil War, Marxism, and mass starvation & killings 1975 - 1992
Centuries of Satan's lies,

Now years later they are scarred by their past, traumatized, trying to survive, prisoners of Satan, destroyed by the sin they live in - Romans 1:22-32.

Missionaries with experience here all say, "This is a country where things do not happen fast. Change... well... Transformation... comes slowly and only with a long term commitment over the long haul."

Pray for us. We're in over our heads. We have nothing of ourselves to offer. We need the grace of Christ in a most desperate measure to reach those dead and trapped in deceptions. They need Truth. They need Grace. They need the love of the crucified Savior and the power and wisdom of the Resurrected Christ.


Saturday, January 2, 2010

(This went out via e-mail on December 5th.)

Dearest Family,


A couple weeks ago, Wallula Christian Church in Leavenworth (Kansas), asked if we could make a 3 – 4 minute video about the ministry here. As people come in this Sunday morning, they will show their missionaries’ videos. After returning from our latest trip to the bush churches, we threw things into high gear and … walaah!!! The Lord blessed us with a video. After the first minute of introductions we head out to the bush. Join us! This should give you a little taste of life and ministry here in Africa.

You can see it on YouTube at

You may also download one of the following versions from our website. It’s only 4 minutes.

Larger Best DVD Quality at

Smaller MPEG-4 at

All Glory and Honor to our Blessed Savior!

Daniel, Melissa, Esther & Pat (Gramma) Maddux

Isaiah 9:6-7