We enjoyed, here on our farm, our 1st HARVEST PARTY in celebration to the Lord, and ate some yummy first fruits.
Hi Special Friends and Family,
Wow! Thank you for praying for my health. God blessed every word of encouragement you gave us via e-mail as Melissa read them for me. Melissa awesomely served. After 10 days of fever and vomiting, now on the 11th day I am finally fever free! A little weak, but doing great! God used this as a time of laying my sins before Him and being renewed. CD's like Fernando Ortega, and some church hymns (given to us by our friend Lane Scott), and a few others were wonderful in transporting me to see the glories of Jesus... our sweet Savior and King.
We're also very grateful for the new Monopoly card game we got to play, given by Stephen, Lissa, and Kaleigh Ryan in Sedalia. What a fun game!
We're also so grateful that God continually goes before us to provide for our ministry needs, as at one time or another each of you has been God-led to send a large gift. Wallula Christian Church gave a Love gift of $1000! This will go to two places. One to pay for a MUCH NEEDED motorcycle so an evangelist can not arrive late or miss trips out of town because of the regular public transportation (vans, trucks) not showing up. The churches being planted will now receive consistent visits and teaching. Praise God with us for this BIG change. The rest will go toward helping us fly back to the U.S.. Yes!
And you might wonder who we're missing? If you have a chance, check out our hyper granddaughter talking on the phone to her Dad at work. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86Mbs2gu7b0
Our Mom (Pat) just left Mozambique to Brazil to be with her daughter Angela. Angela will be going into surgery (biopsy) for some small lumps on her breast and remove something from her c-section scar area. Then mid-summer she hopes to go on furlough & accompany Davi (Brazilian husband), Angela, and Gracielle, as they move to the U.S..
We have the great privilege of attending our 1st yearly missionary conference of Good News for Africa and will be gone the 1st two weeks of April. What a refreshment that is certain to be!
So, we plan to be in touch with we you again at the end of April.
Until then, God bless you all!
Daniel & Melissa and Esther