S.I.L./Wycliffe Center Missionary:
We miss you guys. I showed some new missionaries your materials. They loved them and say they will most certainly use them and said that I must greet you and they that they love the materials. I agree. They cried when they looked at the one video clip. Your materials will be a blessing to many. Be encouraged, your work here was not in vain.

Colin & Jenny Ayling:
I also wanted to just say I had a great women’s meeting last Thursday. We had decided we’d work through your manual [the 16 keys for new life in Jesus]. The first one went great!! The team leading it first acted out the Zacchaeus story and then the ladies went into groups to act it out too ... for us it works better than just telling the story ... Good revelation...and LOTS of fun too!!
If you didn't see these resources before, click on the following link:
It's taken a long time to get our house repaired after damage from the renter, who finally agreed to move out when we offered more money, but praise God we're in and no longer living out of suitcases as of today! We are grateful for all those helped us with housing, repairs, and cleanup, food...!!!
We also were very blessed at the Colorado Sonscape Retreat for missionaries and pastors the first week of November. In addition to the group teaching times, we benefited from three (1 & 1/2 hour) counseling sessions with Mike and Sandy Shafer. They said that, having helped many over the years, we had been through more stress than anyone else they knew. They said that after getting settled into the house we needed to get some real downtime to recuperate. So, please pray with us as we take the next few weeks to get out of town and to seek the Lord for new direction in either missions or software engineering... We hope to be in touch with you again by late January.
We have sure enjoyed time with our family! Hannah is doing better. Please pray that her kidney function will raise above the current 37%. Elijah and Esther are VERY happy to be back in our house, and we've done much to fix up their rooms. Elijah shot a deer this year, so we're enjoying his meat!
Thanks for your generous support and prayers!
Have a MERRY Christmas remembering Christ's Birth,
Daniel & Melissa and family