Here and HEAVEN: What a great God we have to gives us what we could never deserve - the breath of life, family and friends, and an eternal friendship with Him through Christ! I just read through '90 Minutes in Heaven' and am again amazed at how indescribable the simplest things in heaven are - pure radiant self-less love from everyone, bodily beautiful perfection, warm intense light - everywhere!, music from the heart by myriads of angels, humans, and heavenly beings, the heavenly city.... and then there is the ..... triune God! What a HOPE we have!
HANNAH'S Health: In light of that great hope, these "light and momentary afflictions" of accompanying Hannah through Lupus recovery are minor. She still has a VERY low immune system. (She caught shingles twice & has had several bacterial lung infections in the last couple months.) Besides her current extensive regimen of meds and dialysis, a doctor is going to look into her hormone levels. We also are trying some alternative things - low-dose naltrexone... Please pray we see much recovery before we head back Mozambique. Airfare has just been re-booked for January 30th.
 SURPRISE Eye-wear: Before we left Mozambique in August, Antonio's (evangelist) wife, Rabia, came to visit Melissa and pray for her return to care for Hannah. Before Rabia left we shared a favorite verse with her and asked if she would like to read it in Makua. She tried but said it was much more difficult at night with indoor lighting. So, as an experiment, we pulled out a pair of +1.25 reading glasses. She couldn't believe the improvement! She read! Praise the Lord! Now she uses them all the time. On our return, we will be taking more reading glasses to share with the Makua believers as a gift from our dear brother optometrist, Tom Hobbs, and the Warrensburg Christian Church.
Blessings and have a happy day of Thanksgiving and also soon a wonderful time remembering Christ's Birth!!! Daniel and Melissa Maddux