Blessings is the Name of Jesus
We (Daniel and Melissa) will soon be hurdling through space at 40,000 feet high! We fly back to Mozambique this Monday, January 30th.
How is Hannah?
We praise the Lord that Hannah's Lupus is being contained and that she is off of kidney dialysis with 25% kidney function. Thank you so much for being behind us here during Hannah's health crisis. There is almost no way she could have made it through without all the extra support given in the home while she was down. It's been rough. It's been stressful many times. Thanks for holding us up with your prayers. She has made great progress, but still has a long ways to go - at least another year or more of Cell-Cept... Due to the immuno-suppressant drugs, she gets every cold and flu that comes along, with the ensuing sinus infections and fevers, and so has been in bed much of the time. She's better and up more today. Please pray she can come into a sick-free time and be able to get the consistent nutritional support to heal completely and to maintain good health.
Ready for Mozambique
Also while here, we've been able to continue language practice (Melissa-Portuguese & Daniel-Makua). Amazingly, the following resources were also completed: 1) The rest of the dialogue questions for the Bible storying from Exodus on through the life of Christ with the accompanying Makua Bible text for all verses! 2) Sixteen Bible Narrative lessons for new church plants and young Christians with beautiful Gospel pictures in an African context, and 3) several other smaller pieces. These are all in Portuguese. In the next months, pray we find all the help necessary to translate them into Makua and for more "laborers for the harvest" to spread the Word of Jesus.
We've been greatly encouraged by the book, "In Heaven! Experiencing the Throne of God" by Dean Braxton. As with any book, eat the meat and spit out the bones. After reading it, we see even more of God's grandeur in John's Revelation. While @#!*% is a reality, Jesus is actively sowing the 'Good News' of forgiveness of sins and a forever relationship of love with Him. He is AWESOME!
What Now?
Well, we're back to the land of heat, rats, spitting cobras, corruption, bribes, high inflation, thefts, harrasments, fewer resources, time in lines again and again, fears, confusion, hate, greed, much sickness, grinding poverty, demonic activity... AND the LOVE and GRACE of JESUS is covering us and bringing HIS PEOPLE through to streams of living water flowing from His throne.
Love you, Daniel and Melissa Maddux 913-871-6490 - You can call this Kansas phone number to ring on our computer in Mozambique and speak with us.
P.S. Melissa had a GREAT birthday Jan. 15th with her Dad and Mom and sisters from Iowa. |