Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Yippee Caiyeah!       (Makua cowboy language for, "I'm really excited")
www.beatoday.org and photos at: www.beatoday.org/photos/2010/index.htm

Dear brothers and sisters,

A FIBER CUT in the Indian Ocean affected ALL of northern Mozambique for over TWO WEEKS!  It put us out of internet usage, phone usage, and even ATM usage for international withdrawals for most of that time!  Yesterday, for the first time in over a month, we had almost normal internet speed!

"The head of corn is full!"  The farmers on the property who put God's farming wisdom into practice, harvested this month.  They exclaimed that the corn is much better than most farmers around them.   Praise God with us!

Elijah Graduated from High School May 15th!  We missed being there with him.  Thank you for remembering to pray for us while we are apart from our children during these special times of their life.  God gives us the grace to pass through it but it is still difficult.  Someone has said that our will is surrendered to God through our tears and that "God doesn't waste pain", so we wholeheartedly give ourselves to this incomprehensible LOVING God.  He is GOOD!

Gito, who spends two afternoons a week here on  our porch translating from Portuguese to Makua the materials Daniel is working on, recently told us,
      "When I am reading through the Bible stories, questions & application while translating, my thoughts and my heart are changing.  I've wondered, 'What am I going to preach about?  then I go back to what I'm learning here and share that.  My sermons are awesome!  I can see it in people's eyes.  These are not just stories to us.  They are life."      
     "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness". (Mt. 5:6)

We Rejoice that:
* We've had encouraging marriage instruction through two seminars from missionaries here in Africa.  We'll be celebrating our 25 years of our covenant relationship on July 20th.  God is Faithful!
* The temps have dropped to "normal" and 82 feels a bit chilly to us.  Yeah!
* I have begun discussing working with our wonderful brother from Brazil, Luis, who is training rural pastors.
* The "Foundations for Farming" training manual final revisions are being completed in Makua!

Things to pray about:
* Completion of training resources covering:
      - the rest of Bible story dialogue questions
      - Gospel presentation/summary
      - First steps with Christ
      - Marriage and Family
      - Youth preparations for adulthood
      - Leadership & Church Life
* Direction and opening of doors to train evangelist/pastor/farmers.

"May the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the steadfastness of Christ."  
2 Thes 3:5
Daniel & Melissa & Esther