Tuesday, March 27, 2012

March Update

Springtime greetings from Nampula land,

Gito, Henriques, and Daniel translating Gospel presentation.
REJOICING IN HIS WORK       When we returned last month I began meeting  with Henriques daily to study through the Gospel presentation I’d written during our first term.   My desire was for him to assist in translation work.  He is the younger brother of Antonio, our main evangelist.  His teachable heart was apparent from the beginning although he was stuck in his thinking that he was a pretty good person and that he could somehow keep enough commandments in order for God to overlook his sins.   After several days of reading together God’s direction in the Bible, he still did not grasp the gravity of his sin nor the highest payment Jesus made on his behalf.  I asked him to read chapters on Jesus’ death and Isaiah 53.   He came back to me a few days later with a new realization, “that I am no better than the men in prison who’ve murdered because I too have murdered in my heart with my anger” (as well as lustful thoughts, wanting others’ things,…).    With conviction of his sinful condition before our Holy God he cried out to Him and received Jesus’ payment of death in his place.  What joy shone in Henriques' eyes and he soon testified before the church of his deadness in sin but now new life through Jesus, the only way to the Father.   This dear new brother of yours is especially grateful for God’s mercy on him as he was diagnosed with AIDS a few years ago and almost died then.  Now,  Praise Jesus!,  he is assisting Gito in translating our gospel presentation from Portuguese into Makua so many more may receive this saving message.

MISSIONARY GET AWAY    A few weeks ago we helped host an annual conference for Good News For Africa, the agency that makes our presence here legal.  It was an important time to renew friendships, worship together and discuss goals.  For Melissa it was a break from lizards and ants inside our lodging and no cooking for several days.  She prepared desserts for an added treat to the evening adult game time.   The children seemed intrigued by my “multiplying coin” and card tricks that I demonstrated for the talent show.  We’re very grateful for this time of refreshment though several of us came away with a stubborn intestinal bug that is now “mostly dead”.

HANNAH GRACE UPDATE    So many of you are praying and asking and we are thrilled to tell you our daughter’s  latest  blood test results were VERY good and her bone biopsy looked normal.  She is now pursuing a natural doctor, Vaughn Lawrence, in the KC area that has treated several lupus patients with promising results focusing at the beginning on nutrition.    

4 foot spitting cobra at our door!
* HE protects us even when we are not aware of the dangers.   Bella, our guard dog, caught a 4 foot spitting cobra just a few feet from our front door.     We are now being more careful to carry a flashlight in the yard at night.    
* HE provided us air conditioning (for 2 rooms!) and a few other house preps with a special gift from Wallula Christian Church.    Sweet!

* God  has called two incredible servants Home into His Presence this month.  Jr Bryan long-time lead the mission team at Crocker Christian Church & Kyle Degge lead us on the path to grace and out of the ICCC over 20 years ago.  We'll miss these brothers who've loved much.  May their families be comforted and many inspired by their example to follow in Jesus' steps.   
Clarity of mind and heart for Gito, Henriques & I working together on the teaching resources translation.   It is a slow process with many concepts requiring thorough attention.  For example, the Makua do not have a word for “guilt” or “debt” so we have to discuss at length how to express the idea so they can understand.
A Christian Portuguese tutor for Melissa.
God’s Spirit to open the eyes of Agusto & Gracinda to His love and grace.  He is a leader in the church that meets on our property.  Our prayer is that God will strengthen the church here through weekly Bible studies with the leaders, one couple at a time (a WONDERFUL vision of our sending Hope Family Fellowship).
Development of the marriage seminar.   We are continuing to learn about the ungodly practices here.  A wife, for example, builds on her own family ties out of a fear that if her husband dies his family will take all and leave the widow & children with nothing.  Profound lack of trust/security in the marriage.

What an incredible privilege we each have of being able to pray and help make preparations for His Wedding Feast!  Thank you for your part in blessing us to be here among the Makua.

Love and Resurrection blessings,
Daniel & Melissa
www.beatoday.org:  e-mail mission@beatoday or call us at 913-871-6490.