Monday, September 24, 2012

Hello Dear Friends,

Hallelujah!  What a Savior!  Jesus has been working in your lives and has certainly been here with us. 

Recently Melissa and I made our last trip to train rural church leaders and their wives. About 60 were able to attend.  The brothers and sisters there were very overwhelmed with gratitude for the teaching.  Check out some of the videos of this time at  We spent the first day covering essential elements of God’s Good News.  They were excited to hold their own copy of the Makua  Bible materials that I wrote and had translated.  The second day we covered several key marriage topics.   There was a lot of giggling and joy as we led them in a practice round of the couples looking into each other’s eyes and asking one another for forgiveness.  To our astonishment, none of them had ever before said that they were wrong or said to their spouse that they were sorry.  Many expressed great sorrow when we told them about our need to leave Mozambique.  We felt like Paul leaving the Ephesian elders in Acts 19.  We shared many tears together, knowing we may never see each other again until heaven.  The parting hugs were sweet!

The thrilling memory of Martin Luther, busy at his press, came to our minds as we spent several weeks printing the over 400 pages of Portuguese materials developed during these last five years along with the translation into Makua.  The Lord blessed us to distribute this to many church leaders/missionaries and to several key missions with training centers for pastors so that the teaching is available to study, copy, and distribute freely.  Makua resources are as rare as hen’s teeth, so we received many heartfelt thanks to pass on to you who have sustained us during this labor of love.  See all the resources you were a part of creating at

We fly out of Nampula tomorrow, Tuesday morning, to arrive in KC late Thursday, Lord willing.  Please pray for us as we still have a busy schedule when we arrive back.
·         October 1st -  8th: Purchasing a vehicle.  
·         Oct 8th - 15:  Traveling to a missionary debriefing and resting in Indiana.
·         Oct 15th…:  Finding a place to rent until next August (unless the man renting our Leavenworth home changes his mind and exits the lease early so that we could live there:)
·         Oct 22nd – Nov 8th: Traveling to Arizona for a big reunion of Melissa’s family then traveling to Colorado for a marriage renewal week for missionaries and pastors.
·         Getting Elijah and Esther settled.  Elijah is still not sleeping at night after the attempted robbery.
·         Enjoying  our family and grandchildren…

We praise God for the many wonderful friends we have made and will continue to keep, both in the U.S. and in Mozambique.

We love you,
Daniel & Melissa Maddux
With Elijah and Esther