Thursday, October 2, 2008

September Update

* Hope Family Fellowship provided Daniel & Hannah with funds for camcorder so we can enjoy watching our granddaughter grow up!
* Your faithfulness to lift us up in prayer before the Father
* $ for Makua Bibles and Bible Story Books - Elijah is helping give and sell these.
* Elijah spared from severe head injury while helping put up a water tower. He had a blow to top back right side of his head by a metal platform for the tank and suffered hearing loss and sense of touch on right side of face, but is now almost completely better.
* Church planting workshop went well.

* Homesickness more acute as:
   - Hannah nears her Nov 7th due date with our first grandchild (Little Princess)
   - U.S. holiday season approaches
   - our six month mark is coming up quickly when, as we have been told, a new missionary family senses "the honeymoon is over" and can feel drawn back to their country of birth.
* Strength, encouragement, and wisdom as we deal with:
   - the daily physical difficulties (water pressure for only a couple hours at night, rats in the cabinets, our camera memory card broke and challenge to replace here so getting by on little 32MB card, etc.)
   - the sad part of life here... Our dear brother, Lazaro, who worked honestly and diligently in our home these past months one day per week died Sunday morning from an illness his body could not fight because of AIDS. Our family grieves for him but we are quite certain it will be the first of many such loses here. His funeral was held in a small chapel area near the morgue at the hospital. When Daniel was asked to speak at the graveside, he reminded the believers of Jesus' resurrection and His power over sin and death.
* Completion of water tower project
* Daniel will be traveling with Antonio and Moniz and their wives to two villages on October 7-11th. They will need wisdom to discern the spiritual needs of the people and what Bible stories would best address those areas of need.

Love you all,
Daniel & Melissa, Elijah, & Esther Maddux