Friday, August 12, 2011

Please Join in Prayer
Our hearts are burdened for our daughter Hannah

Our 2nd daughter, Hannah Grace, was admitted to the hospital Sunday night for severe high-blood pressure, swelling…   The doctors just informed Daniel & Hannah that if Hannah had not come into ER last Sunday night, she would have died by Tuesday.  They believe she has the worst kind of 
Lupas for how aggressively it attacks the kidneys.  The kidneys are functioning at only 40%.  She has also been given blood several times because her autoimmune system is also attacking the blood and destroying it.  Though she is not bleeding, this is a critical concern.  The doctors are increasing her steroids even beyond the original amount in an attempt to stop or slow the autoimmune system from attacking the blood.   We're keeping in touch with Daniel David and Jonathan and Chloe, and are prayerfully considering a trip to be with them there.  (This would be an unexpected cost of over $11,000 for four round-trip flights.)  Hannah may be in the hospital for an extend
ed time, so...

So please keep Hannah in your prayers for these four things: her body accepting/creating bloodcorrectly, her kidneys reviving and healing, wisdom for the doctors, and peace, joy and strength for all of us – including Adonia (2 yrs) and Creed (8 months).


Our trust is in the One Who said:
"I am the Alpha and the Omega, ... Who is, Who was, and Who is to come, the Almighty." Revelation 1:8

Trusting Jesus for His grace in healing and wisdom for the doctors,
Daniel & Melissa Maddux
with Elijah and Esther

P.S. Things are going well here - planted an inaugural bean crop to help 99% rural farmers who never plant this protein rich crop, translation started  for our next training for church planters on what the gospel is, visa's are still processing, and made wonderful contact with a couple other churches.  God is clarifying the vision for the work before us.  Praise Him.

P.S.S. As you are led, please share the prayer request for Hannah with any of your prayer supporters.  May Jesus be Greatly Glorified!